Dragons Are Hoarding TREASURE

current treasury
Your goal is to find a legendary Unicorn Dragon.
Launch DappWIMD cards are ITEMs; they can be used anywhere in the Ethereum universe.
SWAPYou can farm Common cards by adding liquidity to certain Uniswap V2 pools; Rare and Legendary cards must be crafted.
FARMcurrent treasury
For ~10 months, a portion of the ETH earned from the inflation of the old EthOS tokens were sent to the WIMD smart contract. The wallets that capture Dragons will each be entitled a portion of this treasury.
Rules TreasuryThere are 7 card types in total. 4 are common, 2 are rare and 1 is legendary.
Swap, Buy or Farm CardsThis is the first card game based on v1 of the Item token standard. Items can act as ERC1155 NFTs, but also as ERC20s (for example, in AMMs, flash loan protocols and yield farms).
OpenSea ITEM Info